Anyone who has a dog as a pet knows that they will never turn down a free snack, and always want some of whatever you’re having. It can be so difficult to resist that pleading gaze, which has evolved along with human culture with the precise aim of wheedling extra food from humans. Feeding them these foods isn’t doing them any favors and may actually shorten our time with them. Here are a list of the top ten most toxic foods for dogs:
1. Chocolate
This is perhaps the best-known “no-no” food for dogs. What many don’t understand is that it is the substances theobromine and caffeine that lead to toxicosis. Cocoa powder and dark chocolate should be avoided at all costs. Symptoms of toxicosis include:
• Vomiting and indigestion
• Increased thirst
• Restlessness
• Muscle tremors
• Restlessness and agitation
• Seizures and death.
2. Bread Dough
The live yeast in raw dough will produce ethanol as a byproduct and cause a dog’s stomach to swell. Symptoms presented include:
• Difficulty breathing
• Distended abdomen
• Lack of coordination
• Disorientation and stupor
• (Attempted) Vomiting
• Seizures or coma, possibly death
3. Ethanol
All dogs are highly sensitive to alcohols, and will present with the following symptoms
• Lack of coordination
• Disorientation and stupor
• Vomiting
• Seizures and coma, possibly death.
4. Hops
Both cooked and raw, these have been associated with poisoning. Affected dogs develop uncontrollably high body temperature. Symptoms of this include:
• Panting excessively
• Restlessness
• Muscle tremors and seizures leading to death
5. Grapes/Raisins
While the cause is still unclear, these have been linked to kidney failure in dogs. While some dogs eat these fruits and suffer no harm, the effects are unpredictable and should simply be avoided at all costs. Symptoms presented within 12 hours post-ingestion include:
• Vomiting
• Lethargy
• Dehydration
• Refusal to eat and drink
• Increase in urination followed by sudden cessation
• Kidney failure within 3-4 days
6. Moldy Foods
Many mold species produce a byproduct known as tremorgenic mycotoxins. Since it cannot yet be determined on sight what molds produce these, a good rule of thumb to follow is, if you wouldn’t eat it, neither should your dog. Symptoms of mycotoxin poisoning include:
• Fine muscle tremors grading up to whole body tremors
• Convulsions leading to death
7. Xylitol
This non-caloric sweetener causes rapid, severe blood-sugar drops in dogs within as little as 30 minutes. Symptoms include:
• Disorientation
• Tremors
• Seizures
• Death
8. Onions/Garlic
All members of the onion family, especially concentrated forms, contain compounds that damage dogs’ red blood cells. Symptoms will present 3-5 days after consumption and include:
• Weakness/Lethargy
• Easily tired
• Dark orange/red urine
9. Macadamia Nuts
While not deadly, these can produce serious discomfort for pets for up to 48 hours after consumption. Symptoms include:
• Apparent pain
• Weakness in the hind legs
• Tremors
• Low grade fever
10. Avocado
These fruits, as well as the leaves and bark of the tree, contain a substance known as persin. Although not deadly, it may present with the following signs:
• Indigestion
• Gas
• Discomfort and loss of appetite.
While we may think sharing our food with our pets is a way of showing kindness, it helps to be mindful of what we are feeding them.