Calling on a mobile vet clinic is becoming more popular and convenient in this day and age because of time constraints, transportation availability and in many cases, affordability. Mobile vets not only bring with them expertise and skills in dealing with various symptoms and pet diseases but their mobile vans are fully equipped labs that have all the necessary medications, testing equipment and tools to perform diagnosis and treatments. Mobile vet services provide less stress to the animal as well as provide a more favorable environment. Calling a mobile vet can also provide the opportunity for the vet to discuss problems and treatments to the pet owner on a one-on-one basis, providing a relaxed and non-rushed experience.
Pet owners are served best when researching a local mobile vet service that is within easy driving distance. The closer the better, since it will cut down on arrival time. Pet owners should discuss the cost of a service call and what it entails for a preliminary diagnosis and possible treatment. Pet owners have the option to schedule according to their convenience and this might include a weekend visit and treatment. Just remember that scheduling an appointment in advance is the best way to pick the most convenient time for a visit.
Before the call, the pet owner should make notes about the problems they are encountering with their animal. During the call they should describe the animal species, age and current condition. This would include symptoms, discovery of injuries, the animal’s temperament, wakefulness and mobility, length of illness or mobility and feeding habits. They should relay this information over the phone in condensed form to the vet. For instance, if it is an emergency call as opposed to a scheduling call that might involve the ingestion of poison, the pet owner should to try and explain what substance or materials the animals has eaten and its current physical condition.
Providing easy and precise directions to the home will allow the vet service to arrive on time. If the pet owner has multiple pets of the same or different species, this should also be mentioned so the vet knows what procedures will be required. Depending upon the symptoms or illness, the vet may prescribe that the animal not eat for a certain amount of time before the actual visit, requiring certain guidelines to be followed.
Mobile Vet Arrival
Just before the scheduled arrival the pet should be available and ready to be transported to the mobile lab just outside the house. For a dog or cat, this might require a leash or the appropriate pet carrier device. Birds, snakes and other smaller pets might require a small cage. The important thing is too not allow the animal to escape to the neighborhood or create a panic situation. Any animal should be safely contained. If the vet offers at home services, this may not be necessary as they will come into your house to do all necessary checkups and vaccinations.
Pet owners should have all previous vet documents, medications and shot records at hand so they can allow the vet to know the medical history of the animal. This is important since a symptom or illness could relate to a past problem or a medication reaction. This type of information will allow the vet to work swiftly and it will aid in the diagnosis and treatment. The proximity of the pet owner during the diagnosis or treatment will help to negate much of the stress and panic accompanied with the contact of the vet, who is basically a stranger.